Goodbye Internet Explorer 11, Hello Microsoft Edge

ie to edge

Over a year ago, Microsoft announced Internet Explorer (IE) would be retired. That day has come and here’s what you need to know.

Microsoft says, “the future of Internet Explorer on Windows 10 is in Microsoft Edge.” In fact, as of June 15, 2022, IE 11 desktop application is retired and out of support for most versions of Windows 10 (Windows 10 Home, Pro, Enterprise, Edu and IoT). Some specific versions of Windows 10 used in critical environments still support IE. Windows 11 does not include Internet Explorer.

Internet Explorer timeline

Is there a problem with this? Yes and no. Some legacy websites may still require IE. Microsoft has a fix for this: if any site you visit needs IE, you can reload it with “IE mode” in Microsoft Edge. IE mode in Microsoft Edge will be supported through at least 2029.

To help users get started with IE mode in Microsoft Edge, a “Reload in IE mode” button will be added to your toolbar in Microsoft Edge. Then you can easily click the button to open legacy pages in IE mode. As sites get updated to modern standards, Microsoft anticipates less frequent use of IE mode.

Hello Microsoft Edge

If you’re thinking, “Wait–what? Didn’t Microsoft get rid of Edge a while ago?” It’s true, they retired Microsoft Edge Legacy in March, 2021. About a month later, they introduced a new version of Microsoft Edge with a modern logo and upgraded, integrated security that works with the Microsoft security ecosystem. 

Microsoft encourages all IE users to start using Microsoft Edge right away as it is a faster, more secure and more modern browser. Your favorites, passwords, history, cookies and other browser data will be automatically brought over to Microsoft Edge for a smoother transition. If you don’t have Microsoft Edge, you can download it here. It boasts improved compatibility, supporting both legacy and modern websites. Its dual engines (IE mode plus Microsoft Edge) streamline productivity, because you don’t have to switch back and forth between browsers. It contains other productivity features, like sleeping tabs. In terms of security, Microsoft claims its Edge is more secure than Chrome for businesses on Window 10 and offers the highest-rated protection against both phishing attacks and malware on Windows 10 with Microsoft Defender SmartScreen.

Microsoft is making this as easy as possible for admins and users. You can read Internet Explorer 11 desktop app retirement FAQ here.