Avoiding the Bandwidth Dilemma: 9 Types of Applications That Slow Inefficient Networks

bandwidth dilemma applications slow network performance

As the abilities of technology increases, so has the reliance and use of technology to expand and stay ahead of (or just keep up with) the competition. This has created a greater demand for reliable networks with unlimited bandwidth. For a growing business, keeping up with these needs can be very difficult– especially on a slow or unstable network.

Over the past few years, companies have been taking substantial measures to limit the impact of a shortage of bandwidth to allow proper access to their network for employees and critical business functions. In 2012, Proctor and Gamble implemented a company-wide ban on Pandora and Netflix because of the excessive amount of bandwidth being used by these applications. On a daily basis, employees were streaming over 4,000 hours of music on Pandora and downloading 50,000 YouTube videos.

The decision to block access to these sites was made to both free up bandwidth for needed applications and to increase productivity, but was it necessary? While many large companies spend time and money analyzing bandwidth use and blocking bandwidth eating websites from employees, there are WAN solutions that allow for a seamless network and protection from outages and slow connections.

Here are nine ways that inefficient networks suffer from a shortage in bandwidth.

Automatic Updates

A sneaky bandwidth eater that is often overlooked is the automatic update. Whether Critical-on-Demand (COD), driver updates, service pack updates or security updates, all types of automatic updates consume a considerable amount of bandwidth. Decide what automatic updates should be allowed, and which can be delayed or negated altogether.


There are few jobs that don’t require frequent email use. While sending an email might not stall your network, the constant use, updates, and leaving email applications open for the entire workday can put a strain on a network dependent on available bandwidth.

File Sharing

File sharing and storage using the Cloud is a massively popular trend led by Dropbox, SoonR, SendSpace and others. This allows for storage and sharing using the cloud that allows the user access to the files from remote locations and a way to share files that may be too large to send through email. These programs, similar to email providers like Microsoft Outlook often hide instead of close and remain open, taking up bandwidth throughout the workday.

IP Video Surveillance

Streaming video surveillance, similar to accessing television through the Internet, requires significant storage capabilities to keep footage and bandwidth to watch and monitor.


Experiencing a sudden massive increase in bandwidth usage? Malware and viruses are often the cause of an instant jump in bandwidth use. Protect your WAN by implementing security measures to block malware attempts, and keep track of bandwidth usage to detect breaches quickly.

Real-Time Data Backup

Similar to file sharing programs, real-time backups stay open and in use during the day and are a necessary measure for companies dealing with sensitive and streaming data.

Time-Wasting Applications

The most common workplace offenders are often not work related. Websites and applications including Facebook, YouTube, and Pandora are slowing down networks across the world on a daily basis.


Voice over Internet Protocol applications, also referred to as IP or broadband telephony, include Skype and Google Talk. Reaching someone in an instant with video is easier than ever, but it still has a cost, and it’s your bandwidth.


Virtual desktop infrastructures are an important tool for distributed workforces who work from a remote location. They allow employees to access corporate resources and their work desktop from anywhere.

Avoiding The Bandwidth Dilemma

The solution to speed up your network may not be limiting the use of applications and websites among employees. The right equipment can increase network productivity and prevent outages. Analyze your needs and your current network, equipment, and service provider.

Ignoring your networks’ capabilities and capacity could leave you behind competitors and leave your employees with a less than effective network. How your network performs affects your company’s bottom line and is worth investing in. Want to find out if you are getting the most out of your network? Explore WAN solutions with Ecessa.

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