During Quarantine, Sharpen Your Tools

old tools


Does it feel like we’re all in limbo because of coronavirus? If you’re in an area under Covid-19 social distancing recommendations or mandated quarantine, much has changed. There are so many things you can’t do right now, that you’re used to doing. I liken it to a pioneer farmer in winter who is snowed in, with no fields to tend and nowhere to go. What can you do?

I’m taking a lesson from that pioneer farmer. His priorities in winter are clear: take care of your family, tend to your livestock, and sharpen your tools. He knows spring will come, and the season ahead will be busy.

How do we sharpen our tools these days?

  1. Self-care. Do the hand washing. Avoid crowds. All the pandemic preparedness things. Eat right, exercise. Go for walks – minding your proximity to others. Maybe add meditation, yoga, journaling.
  2. Be social from a distance. Check in with your family and friends via phone, text, Facetime, Skype, gaming apps, whatever. You can even have virtual parties using services like Hangouts, Zoom, Houseparty.
  3. Learn something. There’s no lack of books, online learning resources and smart phone apps. Whether you view a webinar from experts in your industry, watch a how-to video on YouTube, explore a MasterClass, tackle a language you’ve been meaning to learn or dabble in arts and crafts, take advantage and keep your mind engaged.
  4. Fix things. You know, all the stuff around the office (if you’re there) and house you never seem to have time to fix? Now you have time. And if you don’t know how to fix it, refer to #3 above or call a professional. Chances are, they have less work now than usual and can serve you more quickly.
  5. Assess and plan. That farmer doesn’t just toss random seeds in the ground come spring. He plans it out. This could be a good time to assess your organization’s procedures and technology, and to get help from vendors willing to review and recommend improvements. If the current situation in the world is highlighting gaps in your infrastructure, now’s the time to tackle it. This is no time to skimp on your network or its security.
  6. Clean and organize things. Disinfect everything per CDC guidelines and then tackle those closets, that garage, that shed, your desk, your files, your photos. You might as well…
  7. Research refinancing your home at a lower interest rate, apply for Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) or an Express SBA Bridge Loan for your business.
  8. Watch things. I’m not just talking a Netflix binge. Local singers who miss performing in public are taking to streaming services like Facebook Live to share their talents. You can catch a lot of great concerts for free (or tip them as you wish) and not have to worry about taking a cab or parking! You can even join online watch parties to get more of a group vibe.
  9. Give blood if you’re healthy. The national supply has run low. All types are in high demand.
  10. Speaking of giving, volunteer to help your neighbors and your community.

It may seem like this will go on forever, but it won’t. In retrospect, it will go by in the blink of an eye, just like raising kids and the entirety of your youth. You have a great opportunity to make the most of this time. Go ahead, sharpen your tools.

Ecessa has spent the last 18 years building solutions that enable robust, reliable and resilient connections to home and offices around the globe. We stand ready to help you deploy infrastructure that you need to support your remote workers during this time of rapid change. Please contact us to learn more about our SD-WAN solutions, how we can provide security at your network’s edge and how we can provide resiliency for a Never Down™ work environment.